Hi guys,
I was doing some CSS work to my site, and somehow I screwed up the cropping parameters for the thumbnails.
I'm using Simbul's ZenphotoPress Wordpress plugin to place thumbnails of my ZenPhoto images in Wordpress, but for some reason it's squishing the images rather than cropping them.
I talked to the plugin's creator; this is what he said:
"I think it's because you set both width and height of the image.
When you specify just one of them, Zenphoto resizes the image accordingly, but when you specify both, Zenphoto generates a weird-looking image.
Btw the thumbnail generation is done by Zenphoto. ZenphotoPress just sends some parameters and receives the generated thumbnail."
So, my question is, do you know where I may have accidentally set both the width and the height?
I've noticed that when the width and height are set to different values it skews the image. Make sure when you're setting it they are the same number.
I have both my width and height set to 100.
Try checking the width and height parameter, in the ZPP popup or in the configuration page.