How to make a 'Page' the home page?

Hi guys

If I create a page and call it Home Page - how do I make that page content be on the ZenPhotos index page - i.e the sites home page? At this stage I have just set it to use ZenPage Default Theme - will play with themes later once I work out how it all works....



  • Yes well that did not make a lot of sense to me...

    when you say another page other than page.php what do you mean?

    Sorry to sound noob but for the life of me I cannot work it out - I might have bad install and need to start again but if you can give a further guide that will be appreciated.

    EDIT: When I go to Theme Options and go to select Custom Page I have two drop down lists, within them are archive sidebar and footer - where is page?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    A Zenphoto theme consists of several theme pages as there are index.php, image.php and album.php (plus archive.php and search.php) for example or with Zenpage the two additional theme pages pages.php and news.php. The functions I mentioned above can call page content (Zenpage page content) on for example index.php directly.

    Apparently you are not comfortable with Zenphoto theme at all so I suggest to read our tutorials first:
  • Thanks yes I am reading that and trying to learn. Guess I was hoping for an <insert this here> to get it to work as requested. Trying to figure the functions and how to use and apply them is as straight forward as one would hope (with my basic php knowlegde).

    No matter I'll keep reading, I'd really like to give ZenPhoto a chance before I give up and move to something else....

    Woot - worked it out - see learn something new every day - yipee :)

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    All right, you understand that we can't present predefined solutions for every type of usage. It is not avoidable to do some work if you want to customize for specific needs. A lot is possible with Zenphoto but wIthout some php knowledge it will of course be a little hard.
  • Yes I do appreciate that.

    Woot - worked it out - see learn something new every day - yipee :)

  • What about if you have a navigation which is using the page list function, and you want one of those nav links to be 'Home' ? So this way if you're on 'Home' it uses the 'menu-active' styling class?

    Many thanks.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Good ideay, I will add a parameter to the function to add a optional home link as the first entry.
  • ah.. cool nice one. will it be in one of the nightly build things?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenpage does not have a nightly but it will be in the Zenpage svn version (requires Zenphoto nightly or svn version).
  • don't suppose you could provide the code for us to add in ourselves? :D
  • if not, how long do you think until you're able to add it to the SVN?
  • I'm guessing that once acrylian has the code it will be in the SVN version :)
  • Aha. Looks like this has made it into zenpage now. Although it doesn't work well if you have a custom index page set up as a theme option (does it hardcode "index.php"?) Still, can work around that. Thanks!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I don't know what you mean but I actually have not added anyhting yet for this. Maybe you refer to the efferescene+ theme option for a home page but that is different from what I have in mind actually.
  • No, I mean that in zenpage the printPageMenu function (in zenpage-template-functions) now takes a last parameter, $indexname. If you pass that in, then it gets output as the first link in the page menu (I thought that was what you were describing adding above.)

    All I'm going to need to do for my setup is change it so it ties in with the "Custom Index Page" option and still works properly if you choose a custom index page.

    Are you _sure_ that's not in Zenpage? I just changed my theme to Zenpage-default, and it's showing "Custom Index Page" as an option under the Theme Options. Or am I getting really confused? I'm new to Zenpage!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The "custom index page" is actually a feature of the efferescene theme, zenpage-default is not setup for that. Actually that should not appear for the zenpage-default theme.This feature refers to "real theme pages" like archive.php or the like. My planned feature will refer to zenpage pages itself (hope the difference is understandable).

    But of course if you setup the theme like the efferescene theme you could use that but you will have to create a new theme page and call the page content on that page as mentioned above.
  • Ah, yes, thanks, I think I'm getting my brain around it now! So, your plan in the future will be to add a similar "custom index page" feature to zenpage, but one that you can point to a zenpage "pages.php" page, rather than a custom theme page, yes? I like that idea.

    For now, I will probably just hack about a bit to create a theme good enough for me. My site is very minimal, with a flat page/album structure and simple navigation, so I think I'll get the initial version out of the way before I start really digging in to zenphoto/zenpage!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yep, that's what I have in mind.
  • I was searching for a simple way to do this and solved it like this.

    My site has ZenPhoto in a directory off the root called "zen".

    I then made a custom page "home.php" which was based on "gallery.php", but customized in HTML to display the info I wanted. Then I updated the zen/index.php to point to home.php instead of gallery.php.

    Then I just did a simple redirect from the default page in my root folder.
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