Categories and Sublevels for News and Pages

I'm trying to decipher how it works, but could this be confirmed:

- 'Pages' can have up to 4 levels of subpages. The subpages are hidden until the top level page on the menu bar is opened. There is no indication that a page contains subpages? Pages can not be added to 'Categories'?

- Only 'categories' are listed in the sidebar. The articles are printed chronologically within each category, or if unassigned, in All Articles?

- If a page is 'saved' but not published, it doesn't appear on the sidebar. Where is it and can it be still directly linked to from within an article?

- What happens with sub albums in the Gallery section of the ZenPage side bar? Do they behave like pages and sub pages (i.e. they are hidden unless the top album is opened)?

Many thanks!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. The pages are not "hidden", this is just how the printPageMenu() function is set up currently. This is just to save space. You can of course make your own page menu that shows all levels always by using $current_zenpage->getPages() (See the functions guide for Zenpage'S class methods but note that this setup will change since the class setup will be reworked soon).
    Why should pages have categories? They don't have in any system I know (Zenpage is is obviously following the de facto standard of Wordpress).

    2. Yes, that is how a blog or news section generally works. Again you can of course list also all articles if you wish. See at the class functions.

    3. Yes, an unpublished page or articles can be linked directly.

    4. The printPageMenu is actually modeled after the printAlbumMenu() function, but differently than the printPageMenu() printAlbumMenu() has an option to disable that foldout behaviour (I will add that sometime to the pageMenu, too).
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