Hide a page from the page menu?

Anyone know a way to hide a specific page from the page menu? For example if I create a page with content for the main home page (index.php) and call it home, how can i get the 'home' link to be hidden from the page menu.


The 'home' page is a url of mydomain.com/page/home - how would I set that to be index.php or just mydomain.com/ (I was going to just hard code it but if there is a way... please let me know)

Cheers all


  • er der - sorry [redface] - rewrite rule dummy :P
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    To hide a page just don't publish it. As with unpublished images and albums it will be accessible if you know the link, also you can of course call unpublished page content with those functions I mentioned on the other thread.
  • hmm damn - no not as easy as I thought - anyone?

    I tried a rewrite rule of

    RewriteRule index\.php$ index.php?p=pages&title=Home [L,QSA]

    I might have that written wrong - anyone have a pointer :)

  • [quote]To hide a page just don't publish it.[/quote]

    Doh its getting late - of course your right - I remember reading that now [redface - again]
  • Ok if I unpublish it - it still shows in the page menu in the sidebar but does not show on the page where I have printPageContent for that page. I know I can get it to print unpublish by using the selector false (will have to read that again) - but how do I hide it from the menu?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you are logged in as an administrator unpublished pages (as are unpublishedimages and album in Zenphoto) are shown. Your not logged in visitor will not see them.

    printPageContent() has an option for unpublished pages: `printPageContent( "home",false)` should print the zenpage page "home" it. Just put that on your theme's index.php page.
  • Excellent - once again thanks :)

    Your a legend with this great support - where do I donate (I'll find it) :)

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