How can I enable comments for entire albums?

I was wondering how i can enable comments for entire albums? I'd like to activate such functionality for the "default" theme that i'm using for a new website...

I've activated comments in the settings, but this only applies to photo pages. Copying the template code from the photo page template to the album page template results in a fatal error...

All suggestions are more than welcome!!


  • Look at the `example` theme. It has implementation for album comments.
  • Thanks a lot!
  • The comment form now appears but i get a server error (500) after the comment is being submitted...

    If i refresh the page after i get the error, the comment does appear... could this have something to do with Akismet ?

    Sample url:
  • additional info: i simply copied the "begin -> end comment block" code to the default theme's album.php file...
  • I've been testing the same theme modifications on a local development machine (vmware copy of my live environment), and here the comments work without any issue ? but when i try the same theme files on the live server i keep getting a error 500 - Internal server error upon submitting the form...
  • Bug confirmed: the "example" theme's album comments are not compatible with Akismet spam protection, i get a server error when submitting any comment
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