News Page not themed?

Hi! I've just started playing with Zenpage.

News articles show up on the home page (in my custom theme) just as I want them, but when I click on a particular news article, it brings me to a totally unstyled page. What am I missing? How do I make sure Zenpage pages use *my* theme?

EDIT: Oops, you probably want to see the page! is my website.


  • OOps! I've figured it out - for whatever reason, it wasn't getting the right file path. I've hard-coded it into the news.php page now, since I don't anticipate changing the style.
  • The issue is back, regardless of whether I hard-code the path to the style sheet. My site is, everything looks fine until you click on the title of a news article and are taken to the news page, where you get a totally unstyled page. I've looked at the source, and the path appears to be generated correctly. I took down the news page I modified and reinstalled the default -- still no styling.

    Stuck here - Any ideas?!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have a missing backslash in the css call on the news page. The call is `themes/SkellingtonArt/styles/skart.css` but should be `/themes/SkellingtonArt/styles/skart.css` as on the index page.
  • Oooh, I feel like a dork. Thanks! I thought I'd fixed that, but it turns out I fixed it and uploaded the page to the wrong location! It's all better now, thanks so much for your help.
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