Add Comment in "Binary" theme returns getCommentDate is deprecated

I am a new user of ZenPhoto, and new to programming in general. I've installed ZenPhoto on my site and have gone through a bunch of third party themes and would like to use the "Binary" theme, but it returns this message when I try to add a comment

Notice: getCommentDate is deprecated. Use getCommentDateTime(). in /home/derryhil/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 2701
Jan 03, 2009,
Notice: getCommentTime is deprecated. Use getCommentDateTime(). in /home/derryhil/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 2726

This is actually added to the comment area, along with the comment. I am fairly familiar with xhtml and css, but my php skills are non-existent - I only know how to incorporate pre-written php into my site. Any tips on where and what I need to change to get this to work would be appreciated.

And I get this same error with almost all the third party themes I use.




  • I did some more digging and found out where to change it - it was in the image.php file in the "binary" folder. I changed both getCommentDate and getCommentTime to getCommentDateTime and now it works. I origianlly tried changing them in the template-functions.php file and it broke it.
  • You found the right place to make the change. The original getCommentDate and getCommentTime functions were a problem because they could not be made to comply with the date/time formatting option, so they were replaced by the getCommentDateTime which does comply. The error message is to let theme developers know they need to change their code. You can also supress the error message by appropriate error_level() calls.
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