I am setting up a fresh install of zenphoto 1.2.2 for a new site, my thumbnails are displaying cropped even though my settings in options/theme options are:
Thumb size:100
Crop thumbnails:unchecked
Image size:600 longest side selected
I have 2 other zenphoto sites running 1.2.2 with options/theme options set the same and the thumbs are displayed normally with the image not cropped.
Am I doing some thing really stupid here? I have reinstalled twice, dropped the tables from the DB but still get the same problem.
(unchecking the crop checkbox alone doesn't work)
I have been using my other 2 installs of zenphoto for months and not had this problem.
I then installed the latest zenpage svn r3222 activated the plugin and left everything default - thumbs still displayed correctly.
I will now make my changes to the zenpage css and see what happens.
One thing when installing zenphoto 2009-01-04 nightly the setup page said that 'zp-core/lib-sajax.php' was missing, I checked but it is not in the zenphoto-2009-01-04-trunk.tar.gz build?