Thumbnails cropped but crop unchecked

I am setting up a fresh install of zenphoto 1.2.2 for a new site, my thumbnails are displaying cropped even though my settings in options/theme options are:

Thumb size:100
Crop thumbnails:unchecked
Image size:600 longest side selected

I have 2 other zenphoto sites running 1.2.2 with options/theme options set the same and the thumbs are displayed normally with the image not cropped.

Am I doing some thing really stupid here? I have reinstalled twice, dropped the tables from the DB but still get the same problem.



  • Try removing the crop dimensions from the crop dimensions fields.

    (unchecking the crop checkbox alone doesn't work)
  • I tried removing the crop dimensions but still have the thumbnails displaying as cropped squares, the custom thumbnail preview now shows the thumb as a un-cropped portrait but resulting thumb on the gallery & album pages are cropped squares. I have purged the cache, refreshed DB.

    I have been using my other 2 installs of zenphoto for months and not had this problem.

  • Have you tried purging the cache?
  • Yes, I have purged the cache, refreshed DB. As its a new install I have removed the test photos and replaced them with a couple of photos from one of my other working zenphoto sites, one portrait one landscape, on my other site the thumbs of these display as they should, a portrait and a landscape but on this site they both display as cropped squares.
  • perhaps it's defined in the theme that you are using? look at albums.php how the thumbnails are being displayed...
  • I am using the zenpage default theme with a slightly modified css (which I am also using on my other two zenphoto sites with no issues) but I have checked this problem using a totally default zenphoto 'default' theme and the thumbs are still cropped, they are also cropped when viewed in admin as well.
  • I have it working now! I deleted the whole 1.2.2 install and dropped the tables from the DB, I installed the latest nightly 2009-01-04 and left everything default except unchecked cropping, created a test album and uploaded the same 2 photos as in the previous install - thumbs displayed correctly.

    I then installed the latest zenpage svn r3222 activated the plugin and left everything default - thumbs still displayed correctly.
    I will now make my changes to the zenpage css and see what happens.

    One thing when installing zenphoto 2009-01-04 nightly the setup page said that 'zp-core/lib-sajax.php' was missing, I checked but it is not in the zenphoto-2009-01-04-trunk.tar.gz build?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We just are in the middle of migrating some older js stuff to jQuery. The sajax lib was for the inline editing that has just been replaced. Probably the Zenphoto.package file is not updated yet and you can ignore that.
  • Thanks for the notice on the missing file. In this case it is our oversite. We don't always notice when we need to regenerate the package list. It is now regenerated and released.
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