no thumbnails using windows with apache

I just installed zenphoto on my computer using windows with apache and no thumbs are showing, just an alternate text with the file/album name. I read posts here about this and edited the cache memory to 150MB instead of 8, and it's still not working... any ideas?
I bet I've missed something :/

thanks for helping!


  • trisweb Administrator
    Check the `RewriteBase` line in `.htaccess` or, if you don't have apache's mod_rewrite enabled, either install it or disable the `mod_rewrite` option in zenphoto's config.php.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Another thing that might help is (in firefox anyway) right-clicking one of the image alt-text's and selecting "View Image" -- it should show you the error from the image script if it's giving one. If not, it's probably a 404 not found, which would be the problem above. Good luck!
  • hmm I've tried both now, nothing works and the error I get is:
    "Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg() in [path]zen\functions.php on line 44"
    I think I'm going to reinstall my server and everything, because a lot of stuff are broken as it is now :)
    I got it working on a linux server so I think it's something wrong with my server.
    If I still get the problem after the reinstall, I'll ask again :)
    Thanks for the help!
  • is the gd library enabled on your webserver?
  • It was but I think something went wrong when I installed it last time, just finished the installation of the gallery and server and its working just fine!

    thanks for the help! :)
  • trisweb Administrator
    Cool, no problem. Enjoy! And come back soon, a new release is on the way within the next week or so.
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