ZenPress: Zenphoto plugin for WordPress



  • Hi,

    I Just installed Zenpress 1.0, I got Wordpress 2.0.3 (german) and latest zenphoto (1.0.3).
    Anyway everything works flawless and this is a great plugin.
    But in some way it affected my Widgets Plugin, I can move them but cant configure the widgets anymore.
    When I press "Save Settings" (its in german) on the zenpress options page, it shows me a list of ALL available wordpress options and somehow after I did this many wp settings were reset to default (or deleted).
    Now my only problem is the thing with the widgets.

    would be nice if i get some help :-)
  • I did a fresh wp install, now it works fine.
    I Guess this was a conflict with other plugs.
  • Just wanted to say that I have seen this in other peoples blogs and it seriously rocks!

    Can't wait to install it and get it working in mine!
  • Entirely possible this might be an issue on my end; however, I've been unable to get to Simbul's site for the past couple days. If there is an alternative way to get a hold of the plugin (that I've otherwise overlooked), I'd greatly appreciate it.

  • I am able to get to the site..
    if you are still having problems you can try here. I have it is my downloads directory

  • Thanks, though it appears to be resolving this morning. Might have just been a DNS hiccup locally.

    I just released a new version of ZenPress. New features include:
    • Full internationalization support
    • Italian translation included
    • It is now possible to specify word wrap around images
    • It is now possible to include full-sized images instead of the thumbnails
    • It is now possible to specify the width and height of the thumbnails inserted in a post

    Contact me if yuo're interested in localizing ZenPress in your own language (or just do it: a .pot file is included in the package).

    As usual, any feedback will be much appreciated ;)
  • thanks! Will try it ASAP!
  • Hi there,
    when I try to configure the Zenphoto base path and Zenphoto admin path for Zenpress in Wordpress and I hit the "update options" button I get this message:
    404 Not Found
    The requested URL /Desktop/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/zenpress/options.php does not exist.

    Does anyone know what that means? I am using http://www.mysite.com/site/gallery for the base path and /home/mysite/public_html/site/gallery/zen for my admin path. (The admin path was the path I got if i follow the advice on how to retrieve it from this post: http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=475#post-2409

    Also, I get a blank pop-up window when I hit the zp button in wordpress which I am guessing has somthing to with not being able to configure zenpress properly...

    Can someone help a newbie please? I am using the firefox, wordpress 2.0, zenpress 1.1, and zenphoto 1.0.3. Thanks a million!
  • It seems like a Wordpress problem to me... try checking the configuration.
  • Thanks for the quick reply Sinbul. I am sorry to say, though, that I am not quite sure what you mean. How do I check the configuration and what should I be looking for?

    Wordpress was working before I tried integrating Zenpress. It still works now expect for the zp button only opening up a blank page.

    Also, I am not able to create and upload albums through Zenphoto (I am able to ftp them into zenphoto though). I read an ealier post about potential problems with mac users and, well, I am on a mac. Could this be the root of my problems?
  • The error message means Wordpress cannot find the file options.php, which is not supposed to be in the zenpress/ directory. This is why I think your problem is not strictly related to Zenpress.
    Btw, why is Wordpress looking for an URL starting with /Desktop? Seems pretty strange to me ;)
  • Simbul,
    I deleted zenphoto and zenpress and reinstalled. I am still not able to upload albums and images through zenphoto. Albums and images do however show up if I ftp them in. It works for now but it would be nice not to have to that, though.

    On the wordpress side- I now get this message when I change the zenpress base and admin path:
    404 Not Found
    The requested URL /misc/templates/photo%20galleries/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/zenpress/options.php does not exist.

    I tried looking on wordpress support for help on this but couldn't find anything.
  • Hmm, this seems to be a nasty problem. The URL still seems pretty wrong.
    If you can, reinstalling Wordpress could help, but if your blog is already up and running this may not be so easy.
    Maybe you could try posting a help request on some Wordpress forum... since I cannot reproduce the bug it is hard to come up with a fix, sorry.

    As for the photo-uploading problem, I'm not a Zenphoto developer, so I don't really know ;)
  • Hello,
    ZenPress is great !
    Thank you for this plugin.

    Do you think it will be possible to show somewhere in WordPress 3 or 4 ramdon images from one of my gallery (I can chose the gallery)
    Ok I know it is possible but I am user and not a developper !
    Any idea wath is the tag to do this ?

    Thank you
  • It is possible, indeed, but Zenpress doesn't offer this feature yet.
    There are other plugins out there allowing to insert photo badges, but I don't really know if they are integrated with ZenPhoto.
    As a matter of fact, I'm planning to introduce the badge in one of the next versions of Zenpress, but right now developement is quite slowed down by other things I have to do, sorry ;)
  • trisweb Administrator
    Funny how that works eh Simbul? ;-)

    Still interested in bringing Zenpress into the official package?
  • Funny how that works eh Simbul? ;-)

    You have no idea... ;)
    No wait, actually you HAVE :D

    As for bringing Zenpress into the official package: yes, I am interested.
    Not sure how much time I can dedicate to this right now, but I'll try to find some ;)
  • Hi,
    I'm wondering if there's any way to make zenpress resize the original image when I choose what size i want to display in a post. Looks like it resizes the thumbnail now, so that I'm not able to keep the quality when I want to display a larger sized image in the post.
  • It is a feature I'm planning to include in the next version of Zenpress. However, due to more pressing matters (thesis, job and such) it is quite hard to find time to work on it, right now ;)
  • I keep getting a blank popup when I try to use the plugin. Does anyone know why?
  • therese,

    I have the same problem you have.

    When I insert an image/thumbnail in to a wordpress post the quality is horrible if I try to resize or stretch. It is also bad if I tell ZenPress a custom size (px). I have Zenphoto 1.0.6 installed and Zenpress 1.1 installed. Is Zenpress 1.1 not totally compatible with the new 1.0.6 release? Anyone? ;)
  • I installed 1.0.6 this morning and I did not have any problem with Zenpress.
    The resize problem is not a bug, but a consequence of the way things work now.

    I was planning to add more features to the next Zenpress release, but now I think it would be better to fix the resizing problem, once and for all, as soon as possible.
    Stay tuned ;)
  • Ok, I made this update in a hurry but everything should work.
    ZenPress 1.1.1 solves the custom-size problem.

    Here you are ;)
  • Simbul,

    That fixed it! Thanks very much! Great plugin by the way.

  • Hi Simbul,

    I have a small issue with Zenpress, which appears only on my website (I mean on my provider server), when it works fine on my local installation. I just installed last version (1.1.1), but issue is till there. Here it is:

    When the rich text editor is checked in wordpress, there is no Zenpress button. If I uncheck the rich text editor, then press Ctrl-F5 in a write post window, then the zenpress button appears (and I can use zenpress).

    Do you have an idea about that ? what should I check ? I don't know if it a wordpress or zenpress issue... (or the provider !). Just in case you already saw this somewhere...

    Thanks for that very useful plugin, ideal to post article about a new album ! Anyway I can use it, so this is not a big issue... just wondering what happens...
  • It could be related to TinyMCE (the javascript rich text editor of WP) but it is difficult to tell.

    By the way I want to point out that currently ZenPress does not work with the new version of Wordpress (2.1). The issue will be solved in the next release.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Thanks Simbul, I was wondering about the 2.1 compatibility.

    We still need to touch base to get this officially integrated. :-)
  • Actually, I just ran some tests with 2.1 and almost everything seemed to work (there are still some problems with TinyMCE, but all in all ZenPress seems usable).

    If any of you upgraded to 2.1 and your ZenPress stopped working, I'd like very much to know something more about what's wrong, in order to ensure 100% compatibility.

    Tris: I know. We'll manage it, sooner or later :D
  • Ok, I just tried to install ZenPress on a clean-slate version of Wordpress 2.1 and it worked without problems.
    It may be due to the support for legacy plugins in WP 2.1, I don't really know at the moment. Anyway, I'm planning to release a new version specifically aimed at 2.1, just to be sure.

    But, I repeat: as far as I know, ZenPress and Wordpress 2.1 go along nicely ;)
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