New Slideshow Plugin - gSlideshow

gjr Member
gSlideshow is a slideshow addon for the core slideshow extension. It uses jQuery Galleria to present a fluid/responsive, fullscreen image slideshow. The provided theme file slideshow.php must reside in the theme folder for calling slideshows from album, image, and search pages. You can also embed a slideshow of an album (including dynamic), or image statistic set (popular, latest, random, most rated, etc) directly into a theme page or codeblock. NOTE: gSlideshow does not support movie and audio files, they will simply not be included.

gSlideshow is responsive, displaying fullscreen or perfectly inside any containing block in your theme. It also has true fullscreen capability for users to toggle true browser fullscreen (if browser supports).

Let me know of any bugs/issues...Cheers!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That was fast...:-) And I keep up with that:
  • When I try to enable the "Slideshow" in the admin>Plugins my browser locks up afte I hit apply.

    After doing a refresh of the browser I get the following Error message on top of my admin page;

    The form submission is incomplete. Perhaps the form size exceeds configured server or browser limits.
  • This error means that your browser or server has truncated the data from a POST operation (e.g. the apply.)

    Your options are:

    1. Talk to your hoster to get this limit increased
    2. Get to the plugin options by the link on the plugins tab (so that there is only this one plugin being saved.)
    3. Reduce the number of plugins shown on a page--the option is at the bottom of the general options tab.

    Note that if you do not take action #1 you will probably have the same issue on other admin pages so you may have to invoke the equivalent option #3 for those pages.
  • I actually deleted the file slideshow.php from my plugins folder (thought it was supossed to be there after reading the gSlideshow info) and I am able to select it now.
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