Hi all,
I installed Zenpage for the first time and everything seems to work but one thing:
When go to a gallery page, after clicking a jpg picture, I get the screen darker and a "waiting bar" for some seconds, then a window appears with the content of the picture (I believe) in ASCII code:
�����JFIF���������;CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 70 ���C� #%$""!&+7/&)4)!"0A149;>>>%.DIC;���C ;("(;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�����"�������������� �������}�!1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br� %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������
... and so on.
1. I believe this is a wrong interpretation of the jpg file. How can I fix this?
2. How can I customize ZenPage to have the possibility to choose the previous or the next picture on the picture field (according to the default ZenPhoto theme)?
Many thanks, regards,
2. I don't understand what exactly you are asking. Please be more specific, the Zenpage default theme is not that different from the Zenphoto default theme regarding the image display.
Many thanks for your fast answer.
1. Ok, I got the point, but:
2. Sorry my question was not stated correctly. I don't want the picture to be shown or downloaded in any way, I would rather like a function according to the official StopDesign Theme where I get buttons like "PREVIOUS PHOTO" or "NEXT PHOTO" when I scroll over the images. Is this possible with ZenPage?
i have problem when i click on the thumbnail to display the picture on big siz. after i click on it it appear blank page.
samples: kindly click below on any picture below to see the error