Looking for a friendly soul for building a site around Zenphoto


I've been looking for online gallery solutions for a long time, and Zenphoto seems to fit the needs best.

I would like to turn up my ambition a notch or two by aiming for a more complete site - I am however not a web guru, and it's been years I was even anywhere close to do web related stuff.

I'm therefore looking for someone who would be interested in helping out building me a site as a hobby project.

The site needs to include following sections:
and a few more.

The current site is www.my3id.com/gaming. It is a gaming site, meaning it's noting business related. You will be credited for your work and you will also be able to use it on your portfolio naturally.

If the abovementioned is too much to ask for, then I would appretiate help on customizing Zenphoto.

This would include to match the theme/layout and to be able to have various resolution and auto-generated wallpapers (not exclusively).

Feel free to drop me a mail at zafar at digital - ray dot dk

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