how - to add paypal or google checkout

I'm not familiar with writing codes or modifying too much code and I'm having trouble with adding payment options. I'm just looking for website software that will allow me to sell my own photos on my own hosting server.
Where are the instructions of how to add the paypal or google checkout options? When I go to the page it does not give instructions on how to begin....just shows coding and it doesn't say where to insert. I've logged into the admin area and ticked the check box for paypal and/or google checkout but nothing else happened. No purchase options show on the images. What other steps are we suppose to perform to have paypal and/or google checkout features?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As with all optional plugins you need to place the function to be used on your theme files. In this case that would be image.php, there where you want the paypal button/checkout button to appear.

    Please read our theming tutorial to get a little familiar with Zenphoto themes in general and how functions are used with them.
  • Hi there!
    I'm adding the google checkout plugin to my zenphoto page, but now i'm stuck.
    I have the cart and the button to make the purchase, but when I have selected the picture I want to buy and go to the google check out button it gives me a kind of error that reads:

    "Este fichero XML no parece tener ninguna información de estilo asociada. Se muestra debajo el árbol del documento. (english: This XML file doesn't seem to be associated with any theme info. Below it's shown the document tree)

    <error serial-number="8be61c3e-083c-47e2-8a11-9a81ca08ddc1">
    Missing URL component: expected id: (\d{10})|(\d{15})

    What must I do? Is it an error coming from google checkout I presume, but I really don't know what to do since I'm not a developer.

    Hope somebody can help me!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, both plugins have not been updated by their developers for quite some time (that our chief developer sbillard is listed is only because he helped to make a plugin out of them way back) and therefore do not work correctly.
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