can't delete album !!

i cant delete a former album called "jolies-photos". Once it is deleted via the admin pages, it is still there!

I tried to delete it in the database (phpadmin to my ISP pages) but once deleted, it still comes back !

did someone already faced this problem ?

thank you


  • does it delete from the filesystem when you delete from the admin panel?

    does the webserver have chmo777 on the albums directory?

    what if you delete it via ftp?
  • hello

    thank you for answer

    it is really strange
    it was not in the album directory a few hours ago, but now it is !! i've just delete it via my ftp software, now, and it is done

    i dont understand, but it is done...

    i tried at my office , through a proxy
    maybe it is the reason i didn't see the directory...
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