Creating Admin account during setup fails.

I've run the installation and it works flawlessly (ie filling my sql schema with table and populating some tables). I enter the setup admin account dialogue and fill it up, but when I've submitted it I'm redirected back to the same page asking me to create an admin account.

I've looked in the administrators table, but nothing has been entered into it.
Since writing to the tables worked before I dont understand whats wrong.

I get 2 dialogues:
*Password reset request.
You may now set admin usernames and passwords.




    Tell us more about your installation.
  • MySQL v5
    ZenPhoto v1.2 -- New install

    The administrators table is totally empty.
  • Err. Im actually running
    zenphoto version 1.2.2 [2983]
  • Since it is a new install, I suggest you try the nightly build to see if that makes a difference. Also, if possible, try with an Apache server.
  • I've tried SVN trunk now
    And apache2, and the combination.

    Nothing yet, the exact same problem..
  • Is there a way to disable password hashing for admin accounts?
    If i can disable it i can easily create a new account and see if thats the problem.
  • With the nightly build there is a script--functions-auth.php which contains the hashing function. You can change it to use the password in clear text.

    But if you admin table is empty then the sql update is not happening so you will just run into some other difficulty. Have you checked your CGI error logs to see if any errors were generated?
  • You might also set the DEBUG_LOGIN option to true in functions-basic.php. The debug output that creates might give a clue.
  • This is the output i get from debug_log:

    Thanks for the help by the way.
    zp_getCookie(dynamic_locale): SESSION[b55c20c14e2e4e5b01db826547be8b1c]=, COOKIE=
    zp_getCookie(zenphoto_auth): SESSION[b55c20c14e2e4e5b01db826547be8b1c]=, COOKIE=
    Backtrace: checkAuthorization()
    checkAuthorization called
    from require_once (auth_zp.php [33])
    from require_once (classes.php [12])
    from require_once (class-load.php [6])
    from require_once (admin-functions.php [16])
    from admin.php [11]
    no admin or reset request
    zp_getCookie(dynamic_locale): SESSION[b55c20c14e2e4e5b01db826547be8b1c]=, COOKIE=
    zp_getCookie(zenphoto_auth): SESSION[b55c20c14e2e4e5b01db826547be8b1c]=, COOKIE=
    Backtrace: checkAuthorization()
    checkAuthorization called
    from require_once (auth_zp.php [33])
    from require_once (classes.php [12])
    from require_once (class-load.php [6])
    from require_once (admin-functions.php [16])
    from admin-options.php [10]
    no admin or reset request
    zp_getCookie(dynamic_locale): SESSION[]=, COOKIE=
    zp_getCookie(dynamic_locale): SESSION[b55c20c14e2e4e5b01db826547be8b1c]=, COOKIE=
    zp_getCookie(zenphoto_auth): SESSION[b55c20c14e2e4e5b01db826547be8b1c]=, COOKIE=
    Backtrace: checkAuthorization()
    checkAuthorization called
    from require_once (auth_zp.php [33])
    from require_once (classes.php [12])
    from require_once (class-load.php [6])
    from require_once (admin-functions.php [16])
    from admin-options.php [10]
    no admin or reset request
    zp_getCookie(dynamic_locale): SESSION[b55c20c14e2e4e5b01db826547be8b1c]=, COOKIE=
    zp_getCookie(zenphoto_auth): SESSION[b55c20c14e2e4e5b01db826547be8b1c]=, COOKIE=
    Backtrace: checkAuthorization()
    checkAuthorization called
    from require_once (auth_zp.php [33])
    from require_once (classes.php [12])
    from require_once (class-load.php [6])
    from require_once (admin-functions.php [16])
    from admin-options.php [10]
    no admin or reset request
  • I didn't find anything interesting in the cgi-logs..
  • That is just telling us that the administrators table is empty. Did you attempt to save an adminsitrator with this debug setting? That would be the interesting debug data.
  • Yes. That's exactly what I did.
    To no great success though :(
  • Are there any other alternatives?
  • Not without you providing us some more information. See my post above.
  • Yes, I tried to save and administrator with those settings.
  • The debug data you provided DOES NOT SHOW a save of the admin. Unless you can provide that debug information we will have NO clue as to what is happening.
  • Hi. I deleted my debug_log.txt file and did a single create admin accout retry.
    This is th result:
    zp_getCookie(dynamic_locale): SESSION[]=, COOKIE=
    zp_getCookie(zenphoto_auth): SESSION[]=, COOKIE=
    Backtrace: checkAuthorization()
    checkAuthorization called
    from require_once (auth_zp.php [33])
    from require_once (classes.php [12])
    from require_once (class-load.php [6])
    from require_once (template-functions.php [13])
    from index.php [15]
    no admin or reset request
    zp_getCookie(zenphoto): SESSION[]=, COOKIE=
    zp_getCookie(zenphoto_image_search_params): SESSION[]=, COOKIE=
    zp_getCookie(dynamic_locale): SESSION[74ef5f4fd5fc6fa946032bbd6a2d0077]=, COOKI$
    zp_getCookie(zenphoto_auth): SESSION[74ef5f4fd5fc6fa946032bbd6a2d0077]=, COOKIE=
    Backtrace: checkAuthorization()
    checkAuthorization called
    from require_once (auth_zp.php [33])
    from require_once (classes.php [12])
    from require_once (class-load.php [6])
    from require_once (admin-functions.php [16])
    from admin-edit.php [11]
    no admin or reset request
    zp_getCookie(dynamic_locale): SESSION[74ef5f4fd5fc6fa946032bbd6a2d0077]=, COOKI$
    zp_getCookie(zenphoto_auth): SESSION[74ef5f4fd5fc6fa946032bbd6a2d0077]=, COOKIE=
    Backtrace: checkAuthorization()
    checkAuthorization called
    from require_once (auth_zp.php [33])
    from require_once (classes.php [12])
    from require_once (class-load.php [6])
    from require_once (admin-functions.php [16])
    from admin-plugins.php [10]
    no admin or reset request
    zp_getCookie(dynamic_locale): SESSION[74ef5f4fd5fc6fa946032bbd6a2d0077]=, COOKI$
    zp_getCookie(zenphoto_auth): SESSION[74ef5f4fd5fc6fa946032bbd6a2d0077]=, COOKIE=
    Backtrace: checkAuthorization()
    checkAuthorization called
    from require_once (auth_zp.php [33])
    from require_once (classes.php [12])
    from require_once (class-load.php [6])
    from require_once (admin-functions.php [16])
    from admin-options.php [10]
    no admin or reset request
    zp_getCookie(dynamic_locale): SESSION[74ef5f4fd5fc6fa946032bbd6a2d0077]=, COOKI$
    zp_getCookie(zenphoto_auth): SESSION[74ef5f4fd5fc6fa946032bbd6a2d0077]=, COOKIE=
    Backtrace: checkAuthorization()
    checkAuthorization called
    from require_once (auth_zp.php [33])
    from require_once (classes.php [12])
    from require_once (class-load.php [6])
    from require_once (admin-functions.php [16])
    from admin-options.php [10]
    no admin or reset request
    zp_getCookie(dynamic_locale): SESSION[74ef5f4fd5fc6fa946032bbd6a2d0077]=, COOKI$
    zp_getCookie(zenphoto_auth): SESSION[74ef5f4fd5fc6fa946032bbd6a2d0077]=, COOKIE=
    Backtrace: checkAuthorization()
    checkAuthorization called
    from require_once (auth_zp.php [33])
    from require_once (classes.php [12])
    from require_once (class-load.php [6])
    from require_once (admin-functions.php [16])
    from admin-options.php [10]
    no admin or reset request
  • If you still arent satisfied with the info tell me exactly what info you need. And I'll fetch if..
  • According to this log, you never saved the new admin information after the reset request. It is required you cave the changes.
  • I pressed the save button alright.
    The link that the button uses is:
  • What exactly happens after you press the save button? The Debug record does not show a save.
  • It loads the page again, stating that it was saved AND asking me to create a admin account
  • Try the current nightly build.
  • I tried the trunk, same results :/
  • Well, I guess we cannot help you. There is code that seems not to be being executed. No good reason for that, but if the save code does not get run (and there is no way that it would not get run) then nothing gets saved.
  • After I do the admin accoutn creation, i can log into non admin.php admin- pages.
    Changes I make on those pages arent saved either.
  • I enabled logging in php5 and got this error when doing an admin create.
    PHP Warning: Unknown: POST Content-Length of 353 bytes exceeds the limit of -301989888 bytes in Unknown on line 0
  • Ok. Put this in the faq.

    The above warning is about having a post-size that is to large.
    Decrease it to 1200 and it'll work.

    Sorry for taking so much of your time, and thanks for a good gallery :D
  • Thanks for the info. Never seen this error before.
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