contact_form and multi-lingual language.


I use zenphoto with the multi-lingual language mode.
When I try to make a contact form, there is a problem with the translation :


Fields with * are required. HTML or any other code is not allowed.
A copy of your e-mail will automatically be sent to the address
you provided for your own records.

Les champs avec * sont obligatoire. Les balises HTML ou autres
sont autorisées. Une copie sera automatiquement envoyé
à notre administrateur en sauvegarde.
I don't want modify the plugin code.
So, for the moment, I deleted my translations in the contact_form option.

In fine, it's not a solution.

I don't know if this bug is know by the developers... so here is this post.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That is what is displayed on the theme? That should not be and will likely be a bug. We will investigate that.
  • OK thanks.

    Just another explanations :
    * I use the defaut theme.
    * I copy the search.php page and modify as contact.php.
    * The message appears when I call the function printContactForm()
    * The system works. I receive the mail. It's just the translation of the message.

    PS : There is also the "street" field who appear but the option is know as "no used".
  • for me is the same problem i guess, album description is shown in both languages instead of one wich is chosed in language selector. Default zenpage theme.



    English description `


    Lietuviškas aprašymas`


  • The contact form problem has already been identified and fixed in the nightly build. THe description is a new one, but we can get that fixed.
  • ok thanks, and the same thing is with album description acctually.
  • And probably a few other things as well. Only the print functions had the multi-lingual handling. We are searching and fixing these issues. But keep letting us know if as you find things so we can be sure to get them all.
  • ok, there's where i have noticed this problem: album name - problem; album description - no problem. album name in breadcumb - problem; album description - problem. album name in breadcumb - no problem; image name in breadcumb - problem; image description - problem.

    Gallery name works well, exept it's not switching in breadcumb. Zenpage everything works well, at least i did't noticet this problem in zenpage.
  • Can you do two things for me. First, try this with last night's build. Then, if it is still a problem, I need a better description of what is not working. Maybe the screen shots.
  • i'm not sure i know what exactly means "night buid", but if you talking about latest version, i have instaled zenphoto few days ago, and when i press 'check for update' it shows 'You are running the latest zenphoto version.'
    and here is screenshots:

    hope it will help.
  • seems that with the last night build everything is perfect.

    thank you
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