Warning message, UTF-8

Hi! I searched all forum and couldn't find help for my problem. So, I've got the this message after installation and can't get away from it!
PHP mbstring package Your internal characater set is ISO-8859-1

Setting mbstring.internal_encoding to UTF-8 in your php.ini file is recommended to insure accented and multi-byte characters function properly.

Maybe someone knows how to resolve this trouble... This is my first time with ZenPhoto.



  • http://kasparssaktins.com/zenphoto/zp-core/setup.php

    that's how it looks on this link... please help!!!
  • You have to make changes to your PHP.ini file to set the `mbstring.internal_encoding` to the value UTF-8. If you need help doing this you will need to ask your ISP for that. For my ISP, at least, there is a management screen that lets me edit the PHP.ini file.

    This problem may not be an issue for you, however. If you just run everything in English with no accented characters terer will be no problem (as the message says.)
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