I hope that topic title makes sense.
I have done some quick searching around and have not found much on this topic.
Basically, my Webserver is running off my personal machine.
It therefor has direct access to the directories that I keep my photos in.
I want to know if there is an easy way to allow ZenPhoto to use those directories so I do not have to upload a second copy of all my 1000's of pictures I already have.
I really don;t want to have to place a picture in my photo dir & update ZenPhoto with a second copy of the file.
I could get by with having to add the new photo to ZP but NOT ulpoad it. That would be awesome.
Is this easily possible?
So, I think what I can do is just make a blank dir and alias it to the dir I want on the website.
Let's see what happens when I do that.
I have a directory inside ZP called Me
It is aliased to another spot on my HD using the Apache Alias
If I use the index.php I do not see the files in the dir, it simply shows me a questions mark.
If I point my browser to the directory, I see the listing of the pix so I know the alias is working.
Anyone have a suggestion?
I guess I could just make an alias for the WHOLE ZP dir to move to the same spot on the HS as my pictures, but there has to be a work around?
Thank you
It's okay, I have found work arounds.
Mainly just moving the instance or directory I am using ZP in.
I do have another quick question.
How easy is it to set ZP to open the Full Photo in a New Window/Tab ie target="_blank" or new. etc.. rather than the same window then having to click back.
I'll look over the tutorial and HOPE it makes sence.
If not, I'll be bugging you guys about the that issue and another I see everywhere.
Making the thumbs crop properly for Landscape & Portrait.
I have the nightly build, it does do the thumbs like I want, but it places them ALL over the screen, not in a nice lined pattern, but like, everywhere.
See: http://ryan.fickfamily.ca/test/index.php?album=Me/The+Collection
I'll read through the tutorial, hopefully it's noob friendly.
At least we developers don't have the resources to help with general html/css/php issues. See also http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=3760
btw your site is not accessible at all.
Apparently during last nights power outage, my IP changed, thanx for the heads up.
If not, you should create a new forum for user questions/support etc.
I'd hate to have installed PHP, MYSql to just move to another program for their support structure. I'd like to continue to use and support this program.
I really like this one so far, and it's just little things I'd like to learn how to change with the help of other users.
Again, thank you all for your help so far.