I have not logged into my admin for a long time and forgot my password. So I tried resetting it but it doesn't work. I keep trying to reset it by typing in the new password and clicking save. It takes me back to the login area. I punch in the new password, but an error message comes up. I tried reloading the page, closing the window and opening a new browser window, but still nothing.
If anyone knows why, please help!
It looks like this topic has been raised time and time again. Should I just reinstall the product? Or is there a way for a novice to do it?
Did you install the software yourself or did you use an "install script"? If you installed it you will have provided the database name at that time.
If you used a "install script" you will have to contact its author for support as we have no clue as to what these things might be doing (and sometimes doing wrong!)