By default, adding a gallery to a Wordpress post is done by entering for example "[zenphotopress album=10]"
Is there a way to change the "zenphotopress" part to something shorter, like just "zen" in order to make the posting process a bit quicker and less tedious for those who use it often?
Thanks a lot.
What will happen when another Wordpress plugin decides to use [zen] as a shortcode? ZenphotoPress will stop working. Or maybe the other plugin will stop working. Or maybe both.
Besides, it's very hard to track down conflicts.
Though I agree on the tediousness of typing the whole name, I'm not inclined to change it.
Anyway, the modification shouldn't be too difficult. I'm sorry I haven't got time to test it, but I'm pretty sure it's enough to change line 219 of zenphotopress.php.
Change it from
`add_shortcode('zenphotopress', array('zenphotopress','parse_shortcode'));`
`add_shortcode('zpp', array('zenphotopress','parse_shortcode'));`