Simpler ZenPhotoPress usage?

By default, adding a gallery to a Wordpress post is done by entering for example "[zenphotopress album=10]"

Is there a way to change the "zenphotopress" part to something shorter, like just "zen" in order to make the posting process a bit quicker and less tedious for those who use it often?

Thanks a lot.


  • It would be a risky move. "zenphotopress" is a name which can be reasonably considered unique (though long, I agree). "zen", on the other hand, is not so unique: the chances of a conflict are exponentially higher.
    What will happen when another Wordpress plugin decides to use [zen] as a shortcode? ZenphotoPress will stop working. Or maybe the other plugin will stop working. Or maybe both.
    Besides, it's very hard to track down conflicts.

    Though I agree on the tediousness of typing the whole name, I'm not inclined to change it.
  • I get where you're coming from, though it doesn't have to be "zen," it could be anything short and sweet. Like "zpp" or whatever like that. Besides, I'm not asking for this to be released in a future update, I'd just like to make the change in my case alone. Is it as simple as changing a piece of code in one (of the) plugin files or does it go deeper than that?

  • "zpp" is definitely better, but using a short name is still a risk.

    Anyway, the modification shouldn't be too difficult. I'm sorry I haven't got time to test it, but I'm pretty sure it's enough to change line 219 of zenphotopress.php.

    Change it from
    `add_shortcode('zenphotopress', array('zenphotopress','parse_shortcode'));`
    `add_shortcode('zpp', array('zenphotopress','parse_shortcode'));`
  • Yes, that works. Thanks!
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