two slide show links???

Hi all,

I would like to have two slide show links, one at the top of the album.php file, and one at the bottom.

ain't no working. only one link at a time can work...

I traced it to the fact that the form's name is "slideshow" and there can only be one form with the same name, having two forms, with the same name make both of them fail...

however, the slideshow is printed by the printSlideShowLink() function, and it does not seem to allow passing a different form's name via a parameter...

any ideas???

thanks for a great program,



  • found a workaround...

    instead of calling printSlideShowLink twice, I pasted from the web page just the link (without the form, and changed the id (since id have to be unique)

    View Slideshow

  • This has been bugging me too. I found a little different solution after finally finding out where to find the printSlideShowLink() function - thanks both of you.

    Once I found it in the album.php (using Dreamweaver) I just copied it and pasted it under the printAlbumDesc where I wanted it. I now have copies on top and bottom, just the way I envisioned it.

    Sample page is at:

    Thanks for the help.
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