slideshow problem

i updated to version 3297 now the slideshow in my productiv album shows movies (.flv). in my test gallery the same version with default theme it doesn't. can someone help me to find the failure please ?


  • Help us out here. Are any CGI errors occurring? What acutally happens when you display the slideshow? What are your slideshow options?

    I have just tried the default theme and slideshow and find it working for both display modes.

    There were changes made to `printSlideShowLink()` and slideshow.php so if you have not updated your theme files this could be the cause.
  • i know it should work - i updated the default theme - i updated the whole zp-core folder - i deaktivated and aktivated again the flv-player, flowplayer, slideshow - i refreshed my database - no error occurrs only the film starts during the slideshow. my options are - fade, jquery and 7000 miliseconds. the self settings are in my test-gallery.

    i now tested a view more things - this only happens when the film is on the first or second position. autostart is selected at the players options.
  • Create a trouble ticket for this. The first and second 'images' are handled differently to "speed" up the slideshow start. Probably something in that handling is wrong.
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