Using iframe to put gallery on html pages limits size of "thicbox"


I've set up Zenphoto to use thickbox.

I then put each separate gallery in an html page, using an iframe.

I had to do this, because the navigation is different for each page (the navigation button of the page you are on is supposed to be highlighted), so I couldn't just put the whole page in a "skin", i.e. make it part of the gallery.

I'm sorry, I checked past discussions about i-frame issues in this forum, and didn't find anything that directly addresses this problem.

I'm told that iframes are bad - but in this case, they seemed like a good solution.

Is there any way to make the thickbox not be limited by the iframe?

If not, any other suggestions?




  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Other suggestion to use Zenphoto with another site:
  • Thanks!!!!!!!!!
  • Hi,

    This code allows for the display of a random image from an album.

    Could you tell me what code - or functions - to use to simply display the whole album?

    i.e. how to display a specific album in an external page?


  • Bump
  • Hey dudes?

    Sorry, could you tell me which zenphoto function I should use to simply display a particular album?

    The link you showed me, has an example for displaying a random image from an album, which is quite useless to me.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Take a look at album.php of one of the standard themes and also at the theming tutorial. Also there is a functions documentation available. If that is too complicated you can always make a Zenphoto theme look like your existing site.
  • Hi Acrylian,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I can't make a zenphoto theme look like the site, because there is supposed to be different navigation for each project we are showing pictures for.

    All I want to do, is have gallery of a given album within a php page, so it is within the site.

    So you mean I have to lift several lines of code (or more?) directly from the album.php page in the themes folder, and put that into the webpage of the site (which will be a php page)?
  • OK, I'm looking at the theme tutorial.
  • Guys, I am not a developer - that's why I asked you this question in the first place.

    I would appreciate it if you would give me what I need.
  • If you are not a developer, maybe this is not a task you should take on.
  • Sorry, I miss-spoke.

    I do know some code, but I'm not a PROFESSIONAL developer.

    I've set up zenphoto with thickbox, to the point where it works using an iframe - but the problem is that this restricted the size of the thickbox "pop-up".

    So, upon bringing this up here on this forum, I was pointed to here:

    Even though the example is for showing a full sized random image, I've used that code, just to see if I could get it working - which I did.

    This shows I'm capable of using code, with a little guidance.

    However, what I wanted was to display the full gallery of thumbnails for this particular album (there will be several), where the size of the thickbox would not be restricted (thereby overcoming the problem encountered with the iframe).

    So I was wondering if you guys can give me some specifics, rather than "go find it yourself" and generalizations.

    I would appreciate a little more information, and if possible, some specifics.
  • With open source code, the rule of thumb is go look for examples. As acrylian mentions, the album.php script is the place where album and image thumbnails are displayed.

    Sorry, but you will have to put some effort into this. We are not going to write your theme for you.
  • I already have a working theme, and have spent more than 20 hours on this - the problem was...

    Never mind.

    OK, this is obviously something I've got to figure out.

    Alright, I'm a complete beginner - and am trying to "wing it".

    Thanks for your guidance.
  • @Jahan77 - Did you solve the iFrame problem?

    I have opened another thread here, with a very similar problematic:
  • Well I am not a real good help in integrating the Zenphoto in an existing Theme via the plugin thing, but I can recommend you the folowing:

    Do not use the thickbox, but try the floatbox. This is a really very good thing and it is very easy to customise and you have a lot of options to deal with AND it can handle iframes very easily. You can watch and download it here:

    (just have a look at the iframe examples, too!)

    I am using the old version
    here (with my old galleryw which is put into my website with an iframe:

    I am now dealing around with the newest Version and it is very easy to handle, too.
    If you have any question about how to implement, just ask and I will try to help you out!


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