Upscale Bug ? Zenphoto 1.2

Hi, I do not want Zen to resize the originals which is working fine and they are not cached.
The image size is currently set to 550 px exactly the same as the uploaded images.

However If I set the image size value greater that the images in the albums folder some of the images are upscaled even though upscale is disabled.

Thanks, Pat


  • Can you provide a link to one of these images?
  • boo Member
    Hi, I will soon, I can't at the moment as I've taken all existing photos off as the photographer is re-sending her images with her own watermark on as she prefers to do this herself.

    Just so you know, the reason we are not resizing in zen is because the images lose sharpness and the built in sharpening seriously affects the site / server performance and also does not sharpen enough.

    We are not complaining tho, it's just the way it is.

    Thanks, Pat
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Just to mention, the sharpening does only happen once as the image then are cached after that and not processed again unless there has been changed anything. But of course uploading the image in the needed size is a good way and saves also space.

    You also could change the sharpening amount manually in `zp-core/functions-image.php`'s function `unsharp_mask()`. Although that will be reverted with any update of course.

    @sbillard: Maybe we should make that an admin option?
  • boo Member
    Hi, well I have now re-uploaded some of her photos and set the image size to 800 px
    which is higher than the actual size of 550 px and so far no problems, if it does happen again I'll definitely let you know..

    The gallery is here if you want to have a look, it is at an early stage yet.

    Thnkyou for support over the weekends, we are in good hands!!


    P.S. I think it would be a great idea to add sharpness amount in admin.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Could you please open a ticket for the sharpening on the trac? Thanks.
  • No real need for a ticket since last night's build includes the sharpening parameters as image display options.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, Just spotted it, too.
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