can't delete subalbums

it says : album failed to delete - and that's it.
tried to delete images in subalbums - same story. says that images are deleted but actually they are still there!


  • zenpage probably does not have permissions to do deletes on your setup.
  • no, it can't be. i'm an administrator and i have set all rights under options>admin configuration. or what did you mean...?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    sbillard refers to the permission on the file system's folders.
  • i have permission to file system. which folders/files permissions i need to change?
  • It does not matter whay YOUR permissions are, it matters what the permissions of scripts running on your server are. You should insure that all folders have permissions of 0777.
  • solved, thank you!
    some strange reason permissons for those "problematic" albums were 0755...
  • a, maybe because i uploaded those subalbums via ftp...?
  • I have granted full permissions through IIS for all of the zenphoto folders and I STILL canot delete a folder. All I get is the "Album failed to delete" mesage. Can anybody help with folder permissions in IIS? I have granted full access through the local file system to the "albums" folder and all folders under that.


  • Wow, I have absolutely the same problem. I'm using IIS 6.0/ If I create an album, put some pictures in it, and then try to delete it, pictures dissapear, but the album stays alive with error jhunnicutt wrote. I thought it was something wrong with permissions, so I gave IUSR_SERVER (SERVER is the name of my PC) full permissions on "albums" dir, but nothing changed.
    As I understand, IIS is not officially supported by zenphoto's dev-team. I miss my Carmic Coala Server with Apache on it :'-(
  • Sorry, "album failed to delete" is reported when the PHP "unlink" function fails. Why that would fail is between PHP and your Server software. Usually it is due to permissions issues, but sometimes PHP is configured not to allow that kind of operation for "security reasons".
  • Do you know what part of PHP would be required by ZenPhoto? If it is a common problem in php.ini I could alter the config to adapt.

    Thanks for your prompt reply on this. It helps a lot when support is quick. :)

  • If not, can you tell me which file in Zen is responsible for the delete album function? I would like to try a workaround that will allow me to delete folders.


  • Everything I have from PHP's website says that unlink() is not intended to be used to remove directories, only files, and that rmdir should be used for that purpose. I see that rmdir is used in many other capacities on throughout ZenPhoto. Is there an if/then statement tht could be written that would make the script determine if the intended item for deletion is a file or a directory?

    My brain won't stop, but I'll make myself stop posting and wait for a reply. Thanks. :)

  • remdir is used when it is a directory
  • I have the same Problem here. Running Appache in a shared host environment. (can not touch the php.ini)

    I checked the file permissions. Its set to 777.

    This is a huge Problem!
  • If there are non-zenphoto files in the folder zenphoto will not remove them and the remdir will fail with a not empty folder. I've never heard of this happening on appache, only on things like Macs, but you should check that.

    Otherwise, what errors are repored?
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