Quick note

I want to verify i understand what just took place.

You have decided to punish the rest of your users because of some moron that insulted you?

I understand that there are egos to uphold, but come on.
This bug is potentially affecting 50% of your user base.
And the solution is right there.

I dont understand why you are letting an emotionless text box get in the way of progress in your software.

If we were talking face to face this whole thing would have come out differently.

I volunteer for charities and have raised thousands of dollars for animal shelters.
I am a great guy in person, but i guess none of this matters anyway.
I give up. You win. Frustrated users arnt worth dealing with.

I know Im prolly gunna get banned just for posting again, so cheers.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I can understand If you are dissapointed that a feature is not available or not working for you. Sadly this post shows that you still did not fully understand that it's not what you say, but how you say it...

    If we were talking face to face this whole thing would have come out differently.
    The point is we are not! It is well known that written text online and in emails easily leads to misinterpretation and apparently you know that. Anyway, you will not be banned that fast on this forum though.

    If you look around this forum or on our tickets you will see that we are always appreciating suggestions, critism and of course user code contributions to make Zenphoto better. This has nothing to do with egos or emotionless text boxes...
    Also, to my knowledge we did not get any bug reports about your issue before so it is not likely that 50% of our users are affected.

    Please think a little about that before posting again. Thanks.
  • oh allmighty Kae, life lesson nr 12: treating people like they are less then you is not the way to get things done.
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