Search results sorted by album title OR tag

Hello All,

I'm wondering if it's possible to sort the images that come up in a search by album title.

The best scenario would be if I could get the results to sort first by album title, then image title. I would also like to know if its possible to sort by an image's tag.




  • Sorry, there is currently no provision for sorting the results of a search.

    The only possible solution would be to create a dynamic album of the search and set the album sort order. But even then, album name would not be one of the sort choices.
  • Thanks for the quick reply!

    You could use this method (dynamic album) to sort by tag, correct?

  • Sorry, no, the tag is not available for a sort choice. You can sort on any field of the database record (using a custom sort--available in the nightly builds). However, the implementation of tags is via an external table.
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