how to config script for external album folder?


I am trying to setup zenphoto with window vista vis IIS7, for the most part it is working, but I keep all my pictures in a separate drive letter then my "c:\". So is there a way to type in the zp-config script to change the album folder location to say "e:\photos" instead? I tried it exactly like that but it didn't work and I am not sure how to say another drive letter in php language. Thanks in advance.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto is designed to run on a web server. It is not possible to access "normal windows" drives. The external album folder feature is meant to take out the albums folder of the normal visible "web" part of a server but it still needs to be on that server.

    Maybe it is possible with symlinks/aliases or so, I have a vast memory that someone did or tried that on a Unix system sometime. I suggest a forum search.
  • There are statements in the zp-config.php file that allow you to change the location of the albums folder. Having it outside the WEB path has its problems, though, so it is not recommended.
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