Borg: but bear in mind, that those ZIPs should be under 2 Mb in size. I have also ran into this limitation, yesterday. So that meant I could not just add 50 Mb zip to the server, I had to create ZIPs with 3-4 pics in each, and upload them this way.
It may that the zip script also exeeds some other php memory limit. If you really need to upload that much mb or that many images at once I would suggest always to use ftp. There is no limit then (except available webspace..:-)).
acrylian: thank you, that was exactly my thought. So I will just provide the FTP account to the people who will need to upload more pics at once. Understood Thank you for the quick reply.
Or is not it so, developers?
Thank you.
What I would like to know is: if I upload zip, can I save space on my host?
Thanks to all!