Zenphoto as an archive for text documents?


Is it possible to use Zenphoto as an archive for documents written in Word?


  • There is no current support for DOC formatted items. Such support would be possible by adding a class plugin that could format the documents.

    There is an example in `class-textobject.php` which will operate on `.txt` files. Of course, it would need to be enhanced to be able to format the DOC formatted files. That would probably require a PHP library that could handle the format.
  • I did hear that from someone on another project before.. First changing .doc to a .txt then zen could read it.

    $word = new COM("word.application") or die("Unable to instantiate Word");
    $newfilename = substr($filename,0,-4) . “.txt”;

    // the '2' parameter specifies saving in txt format
    $word->Quit(); $word->Release();
    $word = NULL;

    $fh = fopen($newfilename, ‘r’);
    $contents = fread($fh, filesize($newfilename));
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