import photo from local server

Can zenphoto import photo from local server into the albums instead of moving or copying them via FTP or console? Thanks


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can either use the upload form on the admin backend or ftp to upload images. Not sure what you mean exactly with importing.
  • The upload from the admin page can only upload files from my local computer which is very slow (My Comcast sucks). But say I already have tons of pictures files and folders on the web server. Can I load them to the albums via any admin page? Wouldn't it be much faster because they are local?

    BTW, I am new to Zenphoto. I'm not familiar with it at all other than falling in love with the clean look it has. Thank you.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    ftp would be the best way to do. You can basically just move your current folders to the albums folders. Zenphoto is filesystem based and every folder becomes an album (nested ones of course become subalbums, too).
  • FTP is great and all that but I am sharing my site to a few other "friends" so I really don't want them to have FTP access directly to my album folder.

    Can I request such a feature? if I wanted to build my custom page, where should I start?

  • If Zenphoto has access to the server to upload the pictures you can use the back-end upload function. If it does not have access then there really is nothing that it can do to help, FTP would be your only option.

    But I am not sure we are communicating. Where are the pictures your "friends" wish to upload? It is where the source of the images is that matters.

    As to the custom page, read the themeing tutorial on the Zenphoto web pages.
  • They have FTP access to certain folder outside of the zenphoto but within the same server. I believe zenphoto has access to it although I am not 100% sure. They have already uploaded many files there as well. My idea is that they continue to upload files to wherever they used to upload to, and then use some sort of admin back end to transfer them instead of FTP.

    What is this back-end upload function you are talking about anyway? You are not talking about the admin-upload.php page, are you? Because it seems like I can only upload files from my local computer from that page.
  • Why have them upload to an intermediate folder when they can just upload to the album folder? Anyway, not very likely that Zenphoto will do anything differetly than it currently does.
  • If I understand this thread correctly, what minixing2000 is looking for is a way to point zenphoto to an additional album folder.

    As an example, say you have "/zenphoto/albums/" up and working but you have "/public/upload/friendspictures/" as well. It would be really nice if you could tell zenphoto to look in "/public/upload/friendspictures/" for additional pictures, rather than moving everything. This would allow your friends to continue to upload via FTP without having to reconfigure your server's FTP settings. I could imigine that it would be pretty easy to add code for a second album location, but the cache and thumbnail generation would probably be a hurdle. I did have a thought though. Could minixing2000 just change RewriteBase path in his .htaccess to a folder outside of the zenphoto installation?


    Also, what would happen if you added a second RewriteBase entry? I didn't want to try on my live site to test, but I did rename my installation directory to "gallery" from "zenphoto", (and made the change in the .htaccess) without any problems.

    Awesome product. You guys rock!
  • Zenphoto operates out of the file system. All images are somewhere within the folder that is defined as the albums folder. No way that you can define two such items.

    You can point zenphoto's album folder outside the WEB server and or zenphoto base. See the comments in the zp-config.php file. But understand that this is not for the feint of heart.

    Of course you can always have multiple installations. But for each, the folder structure is duplicated and the two do not join (unless you make some complex glue outside zenphoto to join them.)
  • This is how I have my zenphoto working.
    I have a locla ubutnu server runing at home holding all my file. I pointed zenphoto to the images on the server, and now they are accesible in zenphoto.

    Now I only have to have one place to put my images.

    Works like a charm.
  • @Klutzz : Just my situation !!
    How did you accomplish this exactly, without endangering the original portfolio.
    I'm scared pooless that when I'm removing or altering a category my photos will dissapear in the great IT heaven.

    Please specify your movements on this matter :)
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