How can I call the most recent comments made on my zenpage articles? Using the zenphoto call <?php printLatestComments(5, 100); ?> just calls the comments that have been made on my photos.
Thanks for answering, and sorry for asking - that was something I totally should have figured out myself, as you had already conveniently supplied the information in the guide.
I'm having some trouble implementing it, however. This is what I have in the codeblock section: <?php printLatestZenpageComments( 8, 400, 'showlatestcomments', 'all' ) ?> I've also tried it without the 'all'
It returns 7 comments (instead of 8) and it doesn't return the most recent ones. For example, the 2 most recent comments were on the same article. For a day or so, neither of them showed up in the latest comments. Now the first one does show up, but the second and latest comment does not.
I hope that's clear. Can you tell me why this might be happening?
It should actually do that of course. I will try to reproduce that (I have to admit I don't use comments myself at all...). Were the comments maybe moderated?
They're not moderated, so they really should all show up. Since it only is returning 7 comments, and I'm asking for 8, it's like the most recent comment is there and just not showing. Very frustrating.
Hi, I have to say, that it seems to me, that the function "printLatestZenpageComments" for "pages" links wrong, instead with string :page&title=..: with string "news&title=.... You can see it on my pages: where the link links to "add comment" instead to the page "forum". Do I do something wrong?
My code is: <?php printLatestZenpageComments( 5, 30, 'showlatestcomments', 'all' ); ?>
Wow, that error must have been there from the beginning of Zenpage! seems that function is not widely used... Anyway, should be fixed in tonight's nightly.
I'm having some trouble implementing it, however. This is what I have in the codeblock section:
printLatestZenpageComments( 8, 400, 'showlatestcomments', 'all' )
I've also tried it without the 'all'
It returns 7 comments (instead of 8) and it doesn't return the most recent ones. For example, the 2 most recent comments were on the same article. For a day or so, neither of them showed up in the latest comments. Now the first one does show up, but the second and latest comment does not.
I hope that's clear. Can you tell me why this might be happening?
My code is:
printLatestZenpageComments( 5, 30, 'showlatestcomments', 'all' );
Thanks! Klimas