page-edit change to admin-edit

Hi Malte, I can see there has been some changes in the nightly of ZenPage, just heads up of changed file naming of yours, dont mind me if you are currently working on the changes.

I just bumped into this.

Few Page to Admin name changes.

And yes even more changes in other names and amount of files in the plugin folder.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you encounter any issue with the change? The change/restructuring is actually already complete.
  • yes I get this.

    When I do Add page or save order to take some examples.

    zenphoto version 1.2.2 [3417] | zenpage version 1.0.1 [3417] |
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ah, thanks, whyever I missed these...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have fixed these. If you encounter anything else let me know straight ahead since 1.1 is scheduled for tomorrow (my timezone).
  • I will be on the look out doing heavy testing today.

    One minor thing I noticed, Some text when you press Usage tips under categories is not necessary.

    Hint: If you need more space for your text use TinyMCE's full screen mode (Click the blue square on the top right of editor's control bar).
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    True, a copy and paste thing. Anyway, I will not change that now as it might break the already updated translations.
  • I think it is something to do with my setup, I can't get the file browser to work localy.

    I have yet to try on my server in the States.

    I get
    Permission denied: session/ is not writable.
    I have 777 on the uploaded folder in the root.

    Agin I think it is something local, I just wanted to bring it up to be sure.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This is a permission issue. There has been a post with a fix:
    Try to `chmod -R 777 zp-core/plugins/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/session` directly
  • When i turn on CombiNews I get

    Zenphoto Error
    MySQL Query ( (SELECT title as albumname, titlelink, date, @type:='news' as type FROM zp_zenpage_news ORDER BY date) UNION (SELECT albums.folder, images.filename,, @type:='images' FROM zp_images AS images, zp_albums AS albums WHERE = images.albumid ORDER BY images.) ORDER By date DESC LIMIT 0,10 ) failed. Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER By date DESC LIMIT 0,10' at line 4
    I have mySql 5.0.67
  • Well looks like I am on a posting role here, bare with me.

    When Manage files is selected and you are in the file browser, Any of the 3 things are pressed

    New Folder

    There is a thickbox or what ever javascript it is that opens a floating window in front, in that window the file browsers opens again... What I found if any of the 3 previous mention items are then pressed you are finally taken to the right place.

    Thats not all because now it doesn't want to close.

    See screenshot here.

    I hope you get my point.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Argh, thanks, last time I tested that worked as expected (it's thickbox btw). Must be related to some js changing around in Zenphoto recently... I will check on that, probably a js call gone missing.

    For the mysql error I have no idea, it is working for me with MySQL 5.0.41 and is supposed to work since 4. When do you get that, on hte backend or on the gallery?
  • Just to say again, with the MAMP install I have the same problem with the File manager as stated previously. So you should get the bug as well.
  • The Sql Error is in my MAMP install as well. It is in the front end in the Gallery when I click on News.

    Screenshot of your default theme.

    And the settings.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I just fixed the thickbox issue with the file manager. There had been a name change of one js file that escaped me.

    If you mean the session error, I did never get this with MAMP but I did get it on my real webspace (actually I have not tried for a longer time). There was this chmod fix mentioned above and there actually has been a fix sbillard added for another session issue a while ago. I have no further ideas on that right now.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks for the screenshots but I really can't reproduce it. I know I had that error once before but I actually fixed that. I have no idea why you do...
  • File manager works good now, thanks.

    Yeah that error I pretty strange.

    If I tick "News On ZenPhoto Index"

    There is a tiny tiny change if I refresh for some strange reason.

    MySQL Query ( (SELECT title as albumname, titlelink, date, @type:='news' as type FROM zp_zenpage_news WHERE show = 1 ORDER BY date) UNION (SELECT albums.folder, images.filename,, @type:='images' FROM zp_images AS images, zp_albums AS albums WHERE = images.albumid AND = 1 AND ORDER BY images.) ORDER By date DESC LIMIT 10,10 ) failed. Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER By date DESC LIMIT 10,10' at line 4
    MySQL Query ( (SELECT title as albumname, titlelink, date, @type:='news' as type FROM zp_zenpage_news WHERE show = 1 ORDER BY date) UNION (SELECT albums.folder, images.filename,, @type:='images' FROM zp_images AS images, zp_albums AS albums WHERE = images.albumid AND = 1 AND ORDER BY images.) ORDER By date DESC LIMIT 0,10 ) failed. Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER By date DESC LIMIT 0,10' at line 4
    10 changes to 0. in x(x),xx

    Just taking notes here really.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I really appreciate that. If that is an error/issue I as always would like to solve that. But that is really hard if I can't reproduce it. I can not spot any error in the query, too...
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