Print album ID?

I'd like to display the album ID in a corner of my albums. Is that possible? Couldn't find anything in the functions guide.. Thanks.


  • Please see the functions printAlbumData() and printImageData() for printing arbitrary items.
  • Thanks, but I can't seem to make it work. On album.php, I've tried:

    `<?php printAlbumData(field,label);?>`
    `<?php echo printAlbumData(field,label);?>`
    `<?php printAlbumData('field','label');?>`
    `<?php echo printAlbumData('field','label');?>`

    and in all cases there's no result whatsoever, it displays nothing.
  • Nevermind. `<?php printAlbumData('id',NULL); ?>` is what I was supposed to do. Silly me.
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