Zenphoto 1.2.3 released

Zenphoto version 1.2.3 has been released. Read about it here: http://www.zenphoto.org/2009/02/version-123/ and download it here: http://www.zenphoto.org/index.php


  • Great work everyone.
  • 2 issues:

    1st: it asks for a non-existing file:

    [Mon Feb 02 11:57:50 2009] [error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] PHP Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening
    required '/home/xxx/public_html/gallery/zp-core/plugins/zenpage/zenpage-class-news.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php5:/usr/share/php') in /home/xxx/pu
    blic_html/gallery/zp-core/admin-comments.php on line 271, referer: http://xxx.com/gallery/zp-core/utilities/gallery_statistics.php

    The file zenpage-class-news.php is not in the current distribution of Zenpage. I had to uncomment the zenpage lines and remove the plugin for it to work

    2nd. All my comments are gone. The comments seem to be still in the database anyhow... but I cannot see them online or in the admin toolbox.

    are these actual bugs? The upgrade process seemed to work fine.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Because of some significant restructuring Zenpage 1.0.1 is not compatible with Zenphoto 1.2.3, you need to use the Zenpage svn version or wait until Zenpage 1.1 will be released soon.

    I have no idea about the comments issue.
  • My issues were:

    WATERMARK on full images, even when turned OFF in config.

    EXIF rotation only worked on small thumbnails (it didn't work at all for me in the previous version)

    AdminTools plugin crashed theme pages and had to be shut off.

    OVERVIEW css seemed broken... panels appears in a mess all over the page.

    Before rolling back to the previous version I refreshed the cache and cleaned up the data base... no change in any of the above problems.

  • Clearly you did not follow the upgrade instructions--at least not the ones to remove all prior zenphoto release files. There is no AdminTools plugin in 1.2.3.
  • 1.2.3 broke my existing installation, when upgraded per your instructions. 1.2.3 includes numerous references (functions-controller.php, .htaccess - could be others) to Zenpage, which I do not have installed. It's attempting to load zenpage functions, but I do not have them installed on my system (I once did - is there something living in my database that indicates zenpages is installed?).
  • As a follow-up, the if statement in functions-controller.php, line 31 results in an attempt to load <zp-core/plugins/zenpage/zenpage-class-news.php>, which fails, 'cause it's no longer installed on my system.
  • Uploading the zenpage plugin resulted in me being able to move forward with the upgrade, but I received several warnings, and I'm not confident moving forward. I'm going to drop my tables, and allow them to be rebuilt with the latest version - i.e. a clean install.
  • Seems like ZenPages is becoming pretty deeply embedded in the default installation of ZenPhoto. Are you moving towards merging the two?

    Otherwise, seems they should be de-coupled so ZenPages can be subsequently removed if you experiment with it, and decide you don't want to use it.
  • FWIW - w/ clean install of version 1.2.3 - Clicking on the "Tags" tab in the admin interface does not result in the ability to edit tags. Is this expected behavior?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenpage 1.0.1 is not compatible with Zenphoto 1.2.3 as stated on the news section on both the zenphoto site and the zenpage project site. You need to use the Zenpage svn version.
    But there also will be Zenpage 1.1 soon, a little delay due to time constraints. And yes, Zenpage will join Zenphoto completly after that and become a official plugin.
  • If you had not disabled the zenpage plugin before deleting you should install the plugin then disable it.
  • I to have the same awful problem - Question - why , if these aren't compatible isn't there anything in the readme file! - surely that is where to put these things? - I read it and it just said to install - which I did and now my site is ???!!!!! - Does anyone knw what to do when this happens ? - in English please, not too technical.....
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, it is stated on the project site for 1.0.1 that zp 1.2.2 is required (not 1.2.2 or later!) and also shortly after the 1.2.3 release there was both on the zenpage and the zenphoto sites a post on that topic.

    Anyway, Zenpage 1.1 has been released so the issue is obsolete now.
  • Followed the upgrade instructions, I'm receiving this error:

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for handleSearchParms(), called in /data/16/1/73/111/1399763/user/1502437/htdocs/members/index.php on line 82 and defined in /data/16/1/73/111/1399763/user/1502437/htdocs/members/zp-core/functions.php on line 1086

    I upgraded from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3

    I'm no novice to PHP, yet cannot figure out why this is happening. Are you sure all we need to do is replace the zp-core directory and run setup.php again?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have to replace the root index.php file and the two rss files, too.
  • I haven't been here in awhile - just upgraded to the new version.
    Great work! The thumbnail cropping is very cool - I'm sure there are more discoveries to come.
    I do wish it were possible to disable comments as a default -regardless, it's getting better and better.
  • Also the packaged themes should be replaced. In short, any file listed in zenphot.package.
  • amyg: There is a global comments allowed option.
  • I'll dig around - somehow I missed that - Yay though!
  • Well this thread confirms one things, after a new release wait for all the bleeding edge users to update first :) Thanks guys learnt a lot (and still am) about the update process.

    I do agree though that the devs should have had a notice at the 1.2.3 download AND in the readme about the ZenPage integration - not everyone uses svn or goes to the ZenPage project page or where ever that notice was supposedly detailing this - the notice should have been with ZenPhoto not ZenPage.

    I also agree that while ZenPage is being made an 'official' plugin it should be set as 'NOT' required for ZenPhoto to run and even have it setup as default as not enabled. Please don;t get me wrong ZenPage is great and I use it, but at the same time there are many that do not need it and ZenPhoto has been great for so long without it - so why does it 'NEED' it now?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You missunderstood a few things:

    Zenpage has not been integrated in Zenphoto 1.2.3 but is already in the svn now. But even now Zenphoto DOES NOT require Zenpage to run. It's an optional plugin.

    The point is that Zenphoto already contained core support for Zenpage from the beginning. That is part of the reason they are now finally joined (actually we planned that anyway sometime), since sbillard and I already maintain it together.

    In this case Zenpage 1.0.1 was not compatible with the new Zenphoto 1.2.3 due to some changes in the Zenphoto core made necessary by Zenpage's internal restructuring.

    Zenpage 1.1 and Zenphoto 1.2.3 were scheduled to be release on the same day but since I am in Europe and the others in the US we had a time zone issue that prevented releases at the same time.

    I agree that that it should have been in the read me. I forgot that. But I also simply expect the requirements right below the Zenpage download button being read. It's not there for no reason..:-)

    Hope that clears the thing a little now...
  • Before I start, thanks to the Zenphoto team for a great program. I really appreciate their hard work.

    I just upgraded from 1.2.1 to 1.2.3. I wanted to post my experience here in case anyone else had the same issue.

    After upgrading I noticed that the alt tags on the main gallery page were not aligned properly (the alt tages are at the right-bottom instead of at the right-top of the image). This was causing the main gallery page to display improperly.

    After a whole lot of mucking around (dropping all my database tables, searching the forums, etc) and re-doing all the admin settings I discovered that the "sterile" theme options have this issue (within the default theme) where as the light and dark do not. So it wasnt necessarily an issue with the point release, but maybe an issue with those theme options.

    Then because I rebuilt the database my sort options were off (I sort by date, descending). So I went into Admin, to the "edit" tab and I was getting 30 sec timeouts as the page loaded my galleries. I just kept clicking refresh until finally everything loaded (this was maybe 6 times). Also, nothing was sorted correctly until after about the 6th time. Strangely I didnt end up actually changing anything, just the act of refreshing a half dozen times seemed to resolve everything.

    Now everything is working great again! I hope this helps other people.
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