news on index and printNewsIndexURL()

fretzl Administrator, Developer
I use the `news on index` option to display one specific newsarticle on index.php
(I tweaked the "next_news loop" to get the article I want)

I ALSO have a seperate menu button to link to the news.php page using `printNewsIndexURL()`.

This is what happens:
With the `news on index` option OFF, the `printNewsIndexURL()` function renders a link to my news.php.
With the `news on index` option ON, the `printNewsIndexURL()` function renders a link to my index.php.

Is there any way to get the `printNewsIndexURL()` to render the path to my news.php while using the `news on index` option?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That is actually wanted behaviour as the newsindexurl points to the index and that is with "news on index" the index.php page.
    You could of course make your own custom function for that.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Thanks, I'll try
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