safe way to add email link

I am quite useless at this coding, i do try but most of it is over my head.
I looked at the tutorials and have not managed to get the custom page/contact page working yet, still trying.

In the interim I took out the Description on the front page and added an email link.
I doubt this is safe/secure from spam harvesters though.
In line 85 of the stopdesign index page I replace the original script with this.

<h2><b>Contact GrantPix</b>:</h2>

While I am still trying to get my head around the contact page, can someone please advise on a safer way to add that email link that I have done.
i.e. what can script can I paste in that line instean of what i have done.

Thx in advance, really sorry to trouble with such basic matters, but my skill level is zero this side :)
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