paged_thumbs_nav v1.0.2 with search

since I've upgraded to Zenphoto 1.2.3, I've noticed that I get a strange behavior with the plugin paged_thumbs_nav (v1.0.2) :
It is working fine using it in a "normal way" (surfing without performing a search) but if a search is performed, I get all the thumbs from the album the image belongs to but nothing (no thumbs) from the ones sharing the same tag used in the search (sorry for my english, it's late but I hope that it's quite clear).

Do you have any idea/trick about it ?

Thank you for your time anyway.

(Last, guys, I must say that I'm pretty impressed by the last improvements within ZP, they call it a "killer app" don't they ? Anyway, I'm happy to be -even rarely- a small brick in this (wonder)wall.)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Unfortunatly the paged_thumbs_plugin currently does not work in search mode. There is sadly no trick but we will see to get that in with one of the next releases.
  • Hi again Malte.
    I use that code to display the thumb in my image.php file :
    `<?php if(function_exists("printPagedThumbsNav")) { printPagedThumbsNav(60, FALSE, '', '', 30, 30, 30, TRUE); } ?>`

    Is there a piece of code which could prevent the printPagedThumbsNav to be displayed if a search is performed ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Try something like `if (!in_context(ZP_SEARCH)) { printPagedThumsb(); }`
  • Hmm. It doesn't work, but thanks anyway.
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