Upload duplicates

I'm populating a new ZenPhoto site (on dreamhost), uploading zip files created using the 'compress' feature in OSX. When I upload the zip (even one that's much less than 1MB) it gives me duplicate files - each picture has a corresponding file that doesn't display. Am I doing something wrong? Are zips created in OSX not supported?

edit: forgot to say, doing the upload through the gui, as dreamhost don't give ftp access.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This is related to the zip function in OS X that includes some invisible Mac specific files that appear as duplicates (Happens also if PC users opened those zip files sometimes). I suggest you search sites like macupdate.com or versiontracker.com for a replacement tool.
  • Thanks acrylian - tried the command line zip command and that worked perfectly.
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