Google Homepage Module

I've created and extremely basic google homepage module for zenphoto :

I've not implemented any nice features yet. I just wanted to do a proof of concept, and get the discussion going about what people would like to see from such a module.

Right now, the module is external to Zenphoto and only works with the default theme.

Tristan, is this something you might want to see in the main zenphoto release or should it stay separate (my preference). Are there any plans for an API on to zenphoto; currently I just xsl the default theme, but this is quite brittle.

Let me know what you think.


  • Thats a pretty cool use of Zenphoto robd...nice work and thank you
  • Funkee! Nice work.

    I guess you are working on further options for it now... stuff like number of photos to include, random photos etc?
  • robd Member
    Yeah. Still lots of things to do. But I don't want to go too far until I know how I'm going to interface to ZP (ie whats happening as far as an API is concerned). Right now, what I can display is governed by the user's choice of theme and their config (eg number of photos per page etc). Its by no means ideal.

    That said, multiple photos and random, along with options for turning on and off descriptions / titles are all things I'm thinking about. Also, I want to support choosing an individual album as well as 'all albums'.

    Also, I might need a bit of design help. My CSS isn't abismal, but my graphic design / layout skills are non-existent...
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