Fatal Error message during installation - file system to utf8

Had the following fatal error appear during installation:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: filesystemtoutf8() in /home/y/o/yours_truly_photoart_co_uk/zenphoto/zp-core/setup.php on line 557

Please can you advise what may be wrong. Many thanks.


  • Hi,
    I'm getting started with zenphoto too, and I got the same message twice, on 2 different webhosts. Does it have something to do with the fact I'm working on a Mac and character encoding?
  • This looks to be a combination of two problems. First, the PHP function `mb_internal_encoding` seems not to be configured in your PHP. Second, there seems a bug in the setup program on new installs when this function is missing.

    If you can fix the PHP configuration that is your best approach since that function is needed for handling accented characters. If not, then the nightly build tonight should include the fix for setup.php.
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