zpArdoise - Displaying full size image


I'm using zpArdoise, without Galleriffic and Colorbox options, and I'm looking for a way to display each image in the original uploaded full size (not the 700 auto-resized one by the theme) when we click on it. Just a regular display on a blank page.

I managed to set this up recently by choosing the right options but since I had to move my site from one host to another (1and1 to OVH), I can't find a way to set this option again.

Does someone know a simple way to do that?

Thank you,



  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    to have full image in a blank page without using colorbox :
    - in admin>extentions, disable colorbox_js
    - in admin>options>theme, check "Use Colorbox in Image page"

    that'all but, realy, it's a workaround.
    theme is lade to use colorbox to see full image.
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your quick answer.

    I just tried that, but Colorbox stays enabled, so I had to uncheck "image" in Colorbox option for zpArdoise theme, and it works. Thanks a lot!

    That way, one can click on the picture in the gallery to display the full size picture (especially useful for large pictures).
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