Back again with another (probably stupid) question.
I just upgraded from 1.1.7. to 1.2.3 and everything went smoothly until suddenly these messages started popping up:
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Error: Zenphoto could not connect to the database server.Check your zp-config.php file for the correct host, user name, and password.Note that you may need to change the host from localhost if your web server uses a separate MySQL server, which is common in large shared hosting environments like Dreamhost and GoDaddy.Also make sure the server is running, if you control it.
I checked and double-checked my zp-config file and everything is correct. My permissions are set as such:
zp-config.php set to 666
zp-config.php.source set to 644
htaccess set to 666
I don't know if the permissions are correct (or irrelevant). I also don't know if I need to have both zp-config.php AND zp-config.php.source - I think the first is from my original installation - but I'm afraid to delete anything for fear of screwing up my site completely.
The weird thing about this error is that it only shows up when trying to view an album. I can access my admin toolbox perfectly fine, and I can even access my main gallery with no problems, but when I try to open an album, I get the error.
Any ideas? I've been trying to work this out on my own with no success.