zenphoto for surveillance cameras - delete files older then...

Hello, I am using zenphoto to create a site for my surveillance cameras. (the cameras schedule upload images by FTP on zenphoto albums).
My request is if there is a way to "autodelete" files older then 30 days for example, from the camera albums.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, but you could write an admin backend plugin (we call these "utilities") similar to the "publish images" one to do that.
  • Unfortunately I can not write such utilities myself, that it is why I have asked for help here.
    I have also asked if there is such thing already developed but I didn't find it here.
  • So, there is any way that this could be done? (Auto delete file / photos older then 30 day for example) ? Or maybe I didn't search very well here and it is already done by someone else?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As I said above, no. All know (at least to us) extensions and plugins are to be found on our extensions page.
  • Thanks for your answer.

    Another question:
    There is any chance that someone actually will write such a plugin in the near future?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, speaking for us developers only of course. If you really need this now you probably need to get/hire someone.
  • I guess I'll delete'em manually once per month.
    Thank you anyway for your answers.
  • clava Member
    Hello again. I want to hire someone to do the thing I requested above. ("autodelete" files older then 30 days for example, from the camera albums. )
  • clava Member
    No one wants to make some money? It looks like an easy job to do: automaticly deleting files older then...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I thought this had been already done. Please send a mail to zenphoto@<domain linked on my profile> if you like.
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