Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments
WHERE type
='news' AND inmoderation
=0 AND private
=0 AND ownerid
= ) failed. Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
in query (functions-db.php [101])
in query_single_row (zenpage-class-news.php [722])
in ZenpageNews->getCommentCount (template-functions.php [2766])
in getCommentCount (index.php [51])
in include (index.php [118])
PHP version 5.2.8
MySQL version 5.0.67-community-log
Received error after updating zenphoto and zenpage from...i dunno, a few weeks old, maybe even a month or two...
I have version 1.2.3 [3469]
I dont know if this matters but:
Has no errors....