problems with downloading full size images

Hi I have a gallery and I'm very pleased with the software, but I have one problem:

When I rightclick on a fullsize image and select save as.. the filname changes from the original filname to "full-image.php.jpg" ?

How can i resolve this?


  • Why are you right clicking? Just click on the image. When the image is displayed then you can have your browser download it.

    full-image.php is the script that handles full size images when you do not allow direct access to the original. Your browser has clearly got confused by that.
  • trond Member
    I think you misunderstand me.

    I am at my friends home, and he wants to save some of my images from my gallery. He opens a picture, click on it to view it full size. When full size he then right clicks to choose save as...

    Saving is allowed, but the filename changes to full-image.php.jpg ?

    He uses firefox btw.
  • You will have to ask the FireFox folks about that. On IE it saves the picture with the correct name.

    Firefox has been redirected to the image in the albums folder, displays the correct link in its address bar and even shows that it knows the name if you right click and select image info, so it is mind boggling that it would decide to save it under the name of the original <img src> uri. But I can confirm that it does. Shame.
  • trond Member
    Thanks. I can see it works fine with IE so I'll leave it at that.
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