First thank you for this php script.
I find it very useful and use it much in my live projects. But i think it can be more perfect and useful with some features like:
- Automatic upgrade (Upgrades are pain in the ass if you have more than one galleries)
- Wordpress like, maybe "zp-content" folder for customized files such as config.php, watermarks, themes...
- Automomatic labeling; prefix, suffix, number support
- Theme integration with cms like wordpress and drupal
Thank you very much..
The current Theme process works a treat, but I will conceded there is always room for improvement that is why ZP is still being developed
Any how the suggestions are welcome I am sure and I am also sure the devs have had a read and have their own views as will many others but I just thought this post was worthy of at least one reply
-- What is the benifit of the content folder? There already is a folder for watermarks and themes. The zp-config.php file is not part of the distribution so it never gets overridden.
-- Not sure what you mean here, but sounds like a candidate for a plugin or filter.
-- There are third party tools for integration with Wordpress. There is the Zenpage alternative. And there is the generic hack for including Zenphoto content in other webpages. I think the developers will concentrate on Zenphoto content.