Album titles messed up on v1.2.3

After upgrade from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 my gallery now is full of weird characters!!! As a matter of fact some data in database is not being translated when output on web page. All titles of albums and sub-albums are now like:

a:2:{s:5:"en_US";s:18:"Travelling At Home";s:5:"pt_PT";s:22:"Viagens Na Minha Terra";}

when I should only have either Travelling At Home or Viagens Na Minha Terra depending on selected language. I'd appreciate some help...


  • Please upgrade to the nightly build. This is caused by an error in the handling of language strings in a new function for supporting front end editing of any album/image field.
  • Thanks Stephen, it worked!

    Now, a new error comes up by clicking the SEARCH key up in the search form:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function getFolder() on a non-object in /my/server/path/photo/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 3713

    line 3713 is:

    `echo $prev."getFolder())."&lang=".$lang."\" rel=\"nofollow\">".$linktext."$icon".$next;`

    but if I make it

    `echo $prev."".$linktext."$icon".$next;`

    the error disappears!! Very messy this upgrade to 1.2.3 :-(((
    Awaiting your wise comments...
  • That error is an indication that printRSSLink() is being called improperly. It is being told it is to process an album, but the $_zp_current_album variable seems to not be set.

    What theme/page is this happening on?
  • It was happening on StopDesign but after I replaced




    is no longer happening. Of course this was detected in the night build I used to overcome my initial problem.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We need to know what theme page, index.php, album.php, image.php the error occured. The type of rss link above is actually correct but will only work on image.php or album.php if an album is set. (it's the rss link to get the items of a specific album).
  • In every page you have the search form!
  • Ok, that RSS should not be on the search page. We will eliminate it.
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