After upgrade from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 my gallery now is full of weird characters!!! As a matter of fact some data in database is not being translated when output on web page. All titles of albums and sub-albums are now like:
a:2:{s:5:"en_US";s:18:"Travelling At Home";s:5:"pt_PT";s:22:"Viagens Na Minha Terra";}
when I should only have either Travelling At Home or Viagens Na Minha Terra depending on selected language. I'd appreciate some help...
Now, a new error comes up by clicking the SEARCH key up in the search form:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getFolder() on a non-object in /my/server/path/photo/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 3713
line 3713 is:
`echo $prev."getFolder())."&lang=".$lang."\" rel=\"nofollow\">".$linktext."$icon".$next;`
but if I make it
`echo $prev."".$linktext."$icon".$next;`
the error disappears!! Very messy this upgrade to 1.2.3 :-(((
Awaiting your wise comments...
What theme/page is this happening on?
is no longer happening. Of course this was detected in the night build I used to overcome my initial problem.