Squashed image using Zenpage-Default

Anyone have any idea why this image is rendered in a squashed-vertically way (or perhaps stretched-horizontally), with the Zenpage-Default theme?


If you click on the image, the popup is rendered properly. Also, it displays fine using the default theme. I haven't noticed any other of my portrait images of similar size in this album displaying this way.

I'm using the latest nightly build (1.2.3 [3463]) after running into the comment problem with general release 1.2.3.



P.S. I was using the optional killer-bee theme previously, but upon going to the nightly build, it was exhibiting new odd problems with pre-filling of comment fields, so I switched over to Zenpage-Default rather than spend a lot of time debugging killer-bee.


  • Something seems going wrong with the maxsize functions. You can help us figure this out by providing some debugging information.

    Set the `DEBUG_IMAGE` define in functions-basic.php to the value `true`. Then delete any cached versions of this image and re-display the page. You should then get a file in zp-core named `debug_log.txt`. That will have the processing information on the image.
  • Here's the result from debug_log.txt:

    getMaxSpaceContainer(580, 580, William and Edwin.jpg, ): $s_width=580; $s_height=580; $newW=580; $newH=580;
    cacheImage($imgfile=William and Edwin.jpg, $newfilename=/simon-gould-family-gallery/simon-gould-family-images-from-len-simms/William and Edwin.jpg_w580_h580.jpg, $allow_watermark=1, $force_cache=, $theme=zenpage-default) $size=, $width=580, $height=580, $cw=, $ch=, $cx=, $cy=, $quality=85, $thumb=, $crop= $image_use_side=longest; $upscale=0;
    propSizes(, 580, 580, 1379, 1991, 1, longest, 402, 837)::$neww=580; $newh=580
    cacheImage:William and Edwin.jpg: $size=, $width=580, $height=580, $w=1379; $h=1991; $cw=, $ch=580, $cx=, $cy=, $quality=85, $thumb=1, $crop=, $newh=580, $neww=580, $dim=580, $ratio_in=1.44379985497, $ratio_out=1 $upscale=0 $rotate= $force_cache=
    propSizes(, 580, 580, 1379, 1991, 1, longest, 402, 837)::$neww=580; $newh=580
    cacheImage:no crop William and Edwin.jpg:$size=, $width=580, $height=580, $dim=580, $neww=580; $newh=580; $quality=85, $thumb=1, $crop=, $rotate=; $allowscale=1;
    Finished:William and Edwin.jpg
  • Somehow the size and width of this image in the database must be set to zero. That should not be. Maybe if you rename the image (making Zenphoto think it is new) it will get the correct size and width stored.
  • Ah, I didn't notice the zero size. Not sure how that happened (the problem file was originally a TIFF file, opened into Photoshop CS2, and saved as a jpg). I just went back and opened the TIFF file into Irfanview, saved it as a jpg, uploaded it, and all is well now. Wierd.

    Thanks for the help,

  • Well, I don't know how you would have noticed that. I figured it must be the case given how the code works. Glad it is working for you now.
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